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Montessori British School

Privacy Policy

Above all, the school lays bare that the formulation and proposal of this document arise from the need to comply with the provisions on the regulation and responsibilities regarding the protection of personal data set out in Law 1581 of 2012. To that extent, the collection and treatment of personal data are subject to the current regulations of the Republic of Colombia on the protection of personal data, which constitute the regulatory framework on which the school is based to carry out its processes and activities.

Personal information use

As part of the enrollment and admission process; of extracurricular tasks; of medical or psychological care; of the implementation of security conditions; of the assistance to minors and their families, and in general of the different school activities concerning students, parents, or guardians, submission of personal data—such as name, address, and age—and other contact information, like phone number and email address, will be necessary. Likewise, specific information regarding family medical history and the physical and psychological health of minors; other relevant information to facilitate school’s activities too may be solicited.

Purposes of data processing

All compiled information of minors, parents (either one of them, or both) or guardians will be incorporated into the school’s data base in order to:

● Keep attendance records at our premises.

● Update interested parties about school activities.

● Conduct admission background checks on applicants.

● Notify interested parties about the admission process, enrollment, payments, and different events.

● Comply with local legislation concerning personal information to meet with all administrative authorities—the Ministry of Education and the District’s Secretariat of Education—and competent judicial authorities’ requirements.

● Share it with other schools or universities in and outside the country that solicit it, so as to carry out admission processes or guarantee our students’ participation in different organized events.

● Share it with Colombian or foreign institutions so as to allow our students’ taking general knowledge tests or international examinations.

● Share it with third parties that, in collaboration with the school, must access this information to some extent, such as transport providers, our security company, health institutions, entities that assist the school in the evaluation of applicants and their families... Likewise, in the event that said information is required by entities that make tuition and/or pension payments on behalf of the school's minor students. In any case, these entities will be subject to the same confidentiality obligations as the school, within the legal framework imposed by Colombian law.

Security, recordings, and communications

The school ensures the safety of children and their families within its facilities and school transport vehicles, as well as during extracurricular activities. For this reason, as part of its quality, safety, and activity-monitoring policies, the school will make audio and video recordings in its classrooms and common areas in order to evaluate the efficiency of the services provided by its teachers and assistants. Said recordings will be preserved by the school for a maximum of 15 days, and thereafter deleted or destroyed.

Likewise, the school will make use of information technology to send various updates, notifying about grades, activity information, and pension payments. Additionally, it may make available different means of communication to parents in order to maintain proper interaction between families, including social networks directly managed by the school. Therefore, the school discourages the use of social networks other than official ones to exchange messages, and is not responsible for their use or management.

As part of its communication strategy, the school makes the institutional website ( and various publications, such as the school newspaper, available to parents and students. Images, references, articles, or communications concerning students or their families may be published within. In that regard, the school undertakes to carefully review the information, so that in no way it violates the dignity, privacy, or good name of the persons appearing therein.

Any submittal of information by its owners does not grant the school intellectual property or moral rights over it. Intellectual property rights will still belong to their owner, and should any personal information corresponding to third parties be included, the school must make sure to have all authorizations from the respective owners. In that sense, the school will not be responsible for any of the contents submitted, although it reserves the right to publish or delete them according to its privacy policies.


Personal information will not be used or processed for purposes other than those stated herein. The school may carry out data processing on its own servers or on those provided by a third party specialized in the matter, and these may be located in Colombia or in other countries.

Information of minors

In accordance with local personal data protection regulations, the school respects and provides guarantees so that minors can exercise their right to freedom of expression, free development of personality, and information. The school processes the personal data of minors in compliance with the following parameters and requirements:

● Respect for the best interests of children and teenagers.
● Respect for their fundamental rights.

To this extent, the school reserves the right to bring to the authorities’ attention situations which, in the school's opinion, may endanger the integrity of a minor.

Sensible data

Personal data is included in a special category because it relates to confidential medical information, information about race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political ideology, sexuality, conditions of displacement, or calamity. The school is respectful and supports differences, from which children learn; in the event that this type of information is required for the proper implementation of the programs carried out or administered by the school, I/we grant my/our authorization for its processing by MBS, under the conditions established for the handling of my/our information in this document.

The school accepts the facultative nature of the answer to such questions, when they deal with sensitive data or children and teenagers; however, such responses may not be omitted when the requested data is necessary for the children’s welfare and the search for the best way to help them in their educational process.

Third parties and personal information

As established by the purposes of collection and processing of personal information, the school will sometimes turn to natural or legal persons so that, with their assistance, services can be adequately provided to families and students, and school or extracurricular activities can be carried out. For the execution of these support functions, these third parties will sometimes have access to some personal information of children or their families. In such cases, the school undertakes to:

1. Establish agreements preceding the transfer of this information, stating its own obligations of confidentiality and security concerning information processing. These must be at least similar to those established for its own processes.

2. Guarantee that this information will only be used for the purposes established in these policies.

3. Provide to the third party only the strictly necessary information, for the fulfillment of its functions. There are other third parties with whom, in order to comply with legal requirements, the school must share certain types of information about children or their families. In particular, these are authorities that require the information for the fulfillment of their historical, statistical, knowledge-related, judicial, or administrative functions.

Right holders and the exercise of their rights

In accordance with current Colombian legislation, particularly with the Constitution and with Law 1581 of 2012, personal data holders, their legal representatives or their successors in title have the right to know, update, and rectify their personal data with respect to those responsible for or in charge of the processing. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, or misleading data, or data whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.

Likewise, they shall have the right to access their processed personal data free of charge; to request proof of the authorization granted, except when expressly exempted as a requirement for the processing; to be informed by the data controller or data processor, upon request, regarding the use of their personal data; to file complaints before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the law, and to revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect the constitutional and legal principles, rights, and guarantees. The revocation and/or suppression will proceed when the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce has determined that the processing has incurred in conduct contrary to the law and the Constitution.

In order to exercise these rights, please contact the school, in writing, at the following address: Calle 128 # 72-80, barrio Calatrava.

Information of third parties

Delivery, transfer, disclosure, or use of personal information of third parties by the school requires authorization from the data owner. In case of submitting the information on behalf of a third party, whoever delivers it must have all the relevant authorizations—in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012—, disclosure, and the owner’s acceptance of the purposes for which it is delivered. In this sense, the school is released from any responsibility concerning the use of said data as laid out in the purposes.

Information veracity and changes

All information shared with the school must be whole, current, and truthful, and whoever provides it will assume full responsibility for any discrepancy between the data provided and reality. Any modification to the information provided to the school must be notified within five (5) working days following the occurrence of the facts that led to said request, through the channel provided by the school for that purpose.

Modifications to the policies

The school reserves the right to modify the privacy policy of personal information at any time. To this effect, it will publish a notice on its website ten (10) business days prior to implementation. In case of disagreement with the new policies, for valid reasons and with just cause, the owners of the information or their representatives may request the school to withdraw their information through the means indicated above. However, it will not be possible to request the withdrawal of data while in any way associated with the school.

Law and jurisdiction

Any interpretation or judicial or administrative action arising from the processing of my/our personal data and this privacy statement shall be subject to the rules of personal protection in force in the Republic of Colombia; and the competent administrative or jurisdictional authorities in charge of the resolution of any concerns, complaints, or claims regarding the former shall be those of the Republic of Colombia.

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