The talented third grade MBS students are ready to take the whole family on a magical journey through Colombian dance, music and folklore.
Día Mundial de
los Humedales
Discover the vital importance of these ecosystems for our biodiversity and the balance of the planet.
Día Mundial de la
Educación Ambiental
Today we celebrate World Environmental Education Day, a reminder of our commitment to the planet. Through knowledge and action, we can protect our common home. Join the cause, every gesture counts!
¡Nos vemos en el Teatro
Montessori para el Terra Fest!
¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad de explorar la profundidad del arte, la danza y la música!.
Shark Tank grade
Imagine our talented seventh graders presenting innovative and creative ideas to a panel of expert "sharks." This event promises to be an exciting and educational experience for everyone.
Estudiantes de sexto a undécimo grado de MBS junto con sus padres participaron en una experiencia inolvidable en el evento «Ejercitando Nuestras Emociones».
Poetry for The Soul
Los estudiantes compartieron sus reflexiones y emociones a través de la poesía, cautivando a la audiencia con su creatividad y sensibilidad.
2024 Valentine's Day
Expect the surprise soon to celebrate this day with your family.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2024
The stage was transformed into an enchanted world where viewers were transported to the most famous chocolate factory in the world.
The MBS Polar Express 2023 Christmas Show
A captivating journey through the talent and cultural diversity of the students.
Happy Holidays 2023
In this special season, we want to wish all of you, who are part of the MBS family, a Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year.
Chocolate Houses 2023
MBS community immersed in the magic of the holiday season with the "Chocolate Houses" event, an initiative that brought together families in a unique and joyful experience.
The Nightmare Before Christmas 2023
The second-grade students at MBS staged an extraordinary theater production inspired by the famous movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
Science Day 2023
¡La creatividad, la mente abierta y la voluntad de explorar lo desconocido son clave en el mundo científico!.
Thanksgiving Day 2023
Thanksgiving has become a tradition for us to reflect on how fortunate and blessed we are.
We open the doors to a world of possibility
We hosted prestigious educational institutions from Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, and many other countries.
Around the World 2023
This unforgettable event took us on a journey around the world with the story of two brave friends. It was an unforgettable experience full of talent, dedication and joy.
MBS’ Emotional Workout
Discover the synergy between sports and emotions on an unforgettable day! We look forward to welcoming you with open arms on December 2nd at 8 a.m.!
Learning for Teaching
Montessori British School students' social-service program is known as 'Learning for Teaching'. Its goal is to raise social awareness among our young men and women through community work.
Promo Fire Fest 2023
Feel free to invite all your friends and acquaintances to enjoy together. Admission is free. What you are about to see will fill you with magic and joy.
The preschool on the Move festival
El festival Preescolar en Movimiento fue una jornada de aprendizaje y alegría en familia; un recordatorio de cuánto han crecido nuestros pequeños y desarrollado sus destrezas.
Fantasy Day 2023
Durante el Fantasy Day, nuestros estudiantes pueden convertirse en quienes quieren ser y usar al máximo su imaginación.
Natural National Parks Day
Today, November 9th, we come together to celebrate a special occasion that has been observed since 1960: Natural National Parks Day.
Specialization Showcases
Eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade students demonstrated their talents in music, dance, and art during the specialization showcases.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2023
Fourth-grade students are gearing themselves up for a magical show filled with fantasy, dreams, imagination, and candy.Read more »
Elecciones Escolares
2023 en MBS
Student participation was high, as everyone exercised their right to vote. Read more »
Promocional Around
the World
This is the story of two brave friends who embark on an adventure around the world. Read more »