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Montessori British School

Desayuno de
Bienvenida 2023

With a delicious and healthy breakfast, we welcomed Montessori British School's new parents.

¿Qué es lo que
más te gusta de MBS?

The place where dreams become goals, and curiosity becomes the motor of learning.

Inducción y entrenamiento
en MBS

We are excited to kick off a new and promising academic year at Montessori British School.

Proyectos finales de
secundaria y media

In each of these projects, our MBS youth demonstrate their passion, creativity, and commitment.

Ganadores del Your
World video competition

Our students were declared winners of the Your World video competition at a national level.

XI Modelo Naciones Unidas del
Montessori British School

MUN conferences are the perfect place to learn about international politics, human rights, and sustainability.

Proyectos finales
de primaria

At MBS, we have witnessed the creativity, ingenuity, and cooperative spirit of our first through fifth graders.

Feria del cuento
segundo grado

These talented little ones unleash their creativity and transport us to magical places full of intrigue and action. 

Colombia Viva

Third grade depicted all the splendor of Colombia's cultural and folkloric richness in their "Colombia Viva" performance.

Alice in wonderland

Transition's artistic performance brought the magic, joy, and adventure of Wonderland to Montessori British School.

II MBS Visual Exhibition

Our Middle- and High-School students showcased their best photographs, videos, and art and design pieces during the II MBS Visual Exhibition.

Our little polyglots

Nuestros estudiantes de preescolar presentaron sus maravillosas habilidades en los diferentes idiomas que enseñamos en Montessori British School.

English Day 2023

Our MBS community showcased all its creativity during English Day, by means of fun activities in class and during breaks.

DJ Revolution 2023

Electronic and pop music arrived at Montessori British School to shake the bodies of our sixth grade students.

Growing Together

Hand in hand with the Psychology and Coexistence departments, our MBS community carried out its Growing Together campaign.

MBS Sports Festival

Physical activity has become a reason for our families to come together, thanks to the MBS Sports Festival.

World Recycling Day

May 17 is World Recycling Day: a date to raise awareness of how important proper waste sorting and disposal are to protect the environment. 

Treasures of the Ocean

Ocean creatures took over the Montessori Theatre: mermaids, algae, octopuses, fish, and starfish were all part of 1st grade's show.

Conferencia en
delitos informáticos

Fifth- to eleventh-grade students at MBS attended a conference on computer crimes and the prevention of psychoactive-substance use.

Semana del
idioma español

Our students and our whole school community contemplated the artwork derived from the reading plan and were, thus, reminded that Spanish is a living language in constant evolution.

Fire Fest de MBS: Una explosión de
talento artístico y musical

The MBS students dazzled the audience with their creativity and passion for music, art and dance during the Fire fest. 

Feria de
Robótica 2024

The 2024 Robotics Fair will be an impressive space for technological motivation for both students transitioning to fifth grade and their parents.

the art

An event is coming that you will not want to miss: 'FEELING THE ART', a school of the senses through art and emotions, will be on January 27, 2024, starting at 8:00 in the morning.

X I Love
Montessori Marathon

We are waiting for you next January 21 to exercise as a family during the 10th I Love Montessori Marathon.

The Seventh Grade business adventure is about to begin!

Get ready to put your business skills to the test. The challenge is yet to come and your entrepreneurial ability will be key in this next educational chapter.

Get your
circuits ready!

Get your tech skills ready and stay tuned for more details.


¡Familias de cuarto grado no se pierdan esta épica aventura: Myth Makers!.